Modesty is of utmost importance in any religion, for both men and women. We strongly advise members against sharing any inappropriate or explicit content.
We have zero-tolerance for violence, including threats and content that promotes violence or terrorism.
We don’t tolerate content that promotes or supports racism, bigotry, hatred against other members based on (but not limited to) race, ethnicity, sect, disability, marital status, body image, gender, age or national origin.
You’ll get a warning if you copy and paste the same message over and over. Get creative, send a personalised message.
Milo is a no catfish zone. Don’t pretend to be someone you’re not. Trust us, there’s someone here who wants to meet the real you.
Milo is where you’ll meet your future husband or wife, not a place to sell or promote other products.
Any activity promoting illegal sexual activity, human traficking or sexual exploitation will result in an immediate ban.
We instantly ban members who share financial information such as bank accounts, PayPal or Venmo.
You need to be at least 18 years old to us Muzz. We don’t allow any photos or videos of minors, even if they’re your children.
Intimidating or causing distress to others on our platform will not be tolerated. This includes any action that annoys, threatens, alarms or humiliates another member.
Scroll to the bottom of their profile.
Tap the “report and block” button
Let us know why you’re reporting/blocking them.
You can get in touch with our 24/7 Community Support team by email or directly via the app. Sending screenshots and detailed information helps us address your report quicker.
Our guidelines are designed to keep Milo a safe place for all members. If we detect or receive a report about bad behavior, we’ll investigate and reserve the right to warn or permanently ban any member – even Gold subscribers.